Rep Stockton (209) Mug
Take a look at this "Rep Stockton (209)" mug! Love Stockton? What about your friends or family members? Do they represent for Stockton, California? If that's the case, then this "Area Codes" drinkware could be what you're looking for! The mug features the area code in big lettering on top in red and the location in medium lettering on the bottom in red, all in a very cool graffiti font with a faint gray outline.
You can customize this "Rep Stockton (209)" mug with your own personal touch or just buy it as is. This drinkware should ship in the next few days and there are no minimums to purchase. There are other Stockton Mugs available to purchase as well.
Product ID: 16891dee6ca
Made on: 12/17/2009, 8:43:38 AM